
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Nightmare Surfaces!

 Ever start a card and wish you hadn't?!!
This one definitely fits into that category.. vellum, stitching acetate and flakes plus trying to photograph them too!
So- how do you do the whole 'don't let the glue show' thing ?
The acetate.. washi, Stick It (a fantastic adhesive available in store that's pretty invisible!) or stitching. like I've done here.
The acetate is the same... use the same sort of devices, or use an embellishment over the top to hide the glue.
I've used the following supplies
Trying to photograph it?
The acetate shows your reflection and then if you angle it, it looks weird, but there is help in taking the photo when the light's not too bright- early morning so there are less rays bouncing off your picture.

Just pop a few sequins to add some colour to it. I added silver flakes to vellum which worked surprisingly well. You could easily use cardstock but I wanted to keep the light and airy feel to it.

Hope you like my unusual card- just don't have a clue where to write the greeting now ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous card! Sounded very tricky but was definitely worth it! xxx
